Corex Shidai is a manufacturer for outdoor and fashion garments, supplying brands and retailers for over two decades. All products are made in our own and in our partner factories.
Customized Products
We are qualified to interpret designs and offer unique products according to the specific requirements of our customers brands.
Development Services
Fabric Sourcing
We produce jackets, bomber, blazer and coats from classic, elegance, sporty over multiple applications to customized prints and embroideries . Our particular competencies are innovative and stylish washes. We do stone wash, garment dye, tie dye, pigment dye, cool dye and all other kinds of dyes and washes.

Social Responsibilty
We are a certificated member of the Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) . Facing our responsibility for providing good working conditions, our main factories are taking part in a BSCI-Program for the implementation, evaluation and development of social standards in factories all around world.
Fashion Garments
We are experts in understanding and handling the different characteristics of diverse fashion garments.
We are equally adapted in producing styles of the current fashion trend.
We add value at every stage, from design to final finishing.

Our production facilities are in Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Dalian and Myanmar. The sales headquarter is based in Hong Kong. According to the customers requirements we manufacture the garments in one of our factories which are customized to the apparel spezifications.

Contact Us
Please do not hesitate to contact us, if you have any questions.
We offer you professional support in English and German.
Hong Kong | Sales Office
Email: info@corex-shidai.com | Tel: +852 3956 2343
cellphone: +852 55 27 21 99 Fax: +852 3956 2281
Corex Ltd. 1405, 14/F, Hermes Commercial Centre, No. 4 Hillwood Road
Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong